Provide field officers with standardized tooling so you can collect accurate data and discover strategic insights.
SFST was developed with law enforcement for law enforcement to make SFST reporting easier and more insightful for officers.
Modern data entry techniques focused on user experience for both new and seasoned officers
Data entry is time stamped, geo-tagged and supported with an audit trail
The data provides a platform for analytics which can be viewed through a reporting dashboard
Leverages muscle memory during data capture so that the officer can keep their eyes on the suspect
Lack of standardization in the current sobriety testing processes across jurisdictions
The current system of recording sobriety testing leads to the potential for omissions and compromised evidence
Stakeholders have limited access to timely, accurate sobriety testing data from which they can report, draw insights and make decisions
The app guides the officer through the testing process, ensuring everyone is testing and recording in the same way
Our muscle memory tool allows for more focus which reduces the amount of mistakes made
The output report is auto-populated from the data captured and looks like the traditional report.
The collected data provides a platform for analytics available via the reporting dashboard
The SFST app guides the officer through the testing process, capturing exact time and location data. The real-time data from testing the subject is recorded and presented to the officer, aiding them to make quick, informed, and accurate decisions.
The paired SFST web application provides better insight and transparency into policing efforts.
Get insight into test counts, arrests, and uncompleted files, as well as geo-referenced and officer data which allows jurisdictional reporting
Officer conducts SFST using the smartphone app
Officer accesses case via web portal to review pre-populated report
Decision makers access a dashboard to profile statistics within a jurisdiction
Police Constable
This truly touches on the standardization and removes the potential for errors. The solution saves us time and ensures consistency independent of officer experience.
Traffic stops change for the better using our SFST mobile solution.
Field officers can more consistently and easily evaluate subjects. Supervisors and Data Analysts have the tools at their fingertips to drive public safety.